Homeownership Guide

Magnifying glass glossing over model homes landing on golden home

Home Selection: How Do You Select a Home?

By George Morris | July 22, 2015

Compare your housing needs with your housing wants to prepare for house hunting. You’ll know where to look, what to tell your real estate agent, and what compromises your family…

Illustration of mortgage with house, money, and couple looking at it

What Kind of Mortgage Should I Get?

By George Morris | July 22, 2015

In the world of mortgage lending, there are many different types of loans and loan terms. How can you decide which loan best fits your financial circumstances? Knowing what goes…

Photo of budget list with calculator and pen

Make a Budget and Start Savings

By George Morris | July 22, 2015

Before approving a mortgage loan, lenders will review factors like the amount of money you have available for a down payment and your ability to repay the loan. But once…

InCharge Guide to Homeownership

By George Morris | July 17, 2015

There’s No Place Like Home A home is a place to hang your hat, mark height on the wall, decorate, plant a garden, bake birthday cakes, mow the lawn, grow…